French teachers and public employees retirement complement Cref (Complément de retraite des enseignants et fonctionnaires), was an optional pay-as-you-go scheme doomed to fail, leaving 450 000 victims when it crashed in the early 2000’s. Lawsuits developed as a result, the last episode being a criminal appeal against Cref former board members, held in Paris last month.

Lawyers Stéphane Bonifassi, Francis Terquem, Yann Le Bras and Nicolas Lecoq-Vallon, pleading on behallf of deceived investors in French teachers retirement complement Cref. (photo © GPouzin) journalist Gilles Pouzin was the only member of the press in Paris Criminal Court following most hearings in the the appeal trial of Cref’s former board members earlier convicted of misappropriation. On top of detailed Cref trial hearings reports published in French on, he wrote an exclusive round-up article for English readers published by Investment & Pensions Europe’s online news service here : Paris Court verdict on Cref criminal trial set for April.
Il parait que l’Etat a fait appel de la condamnation au pénal des dirigeants de COREM-Mrifen ( l’Eta t= Chirac puis Hollande , copains de Teulade qui a bien fait de mourir!)
Apres moult rebondissements (y compris le hotels 5* de la présidente du CIDS, association montée pour contrer les 5* de Teulade et consorts, un comble!!) quelqu’un a-t-il à ce jour touché la moindre indemnisation « grace » à Me Lecocq-Vallon et al.?
Et les gens qui ont quitté le CIDS mais payé à l’origine pour l’ avocat sont-ils fondés à toucher les indemnisations quand il y en aura?
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